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Stand roller
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Stand roller

Vertical roller, also known as block roller, wing roller.The vertical roller is mainly connected with the self-aligning bracket, a product used in the self-aligning roller, which is installed on both sides of the conveyor belt, to prevent the occurrence of deviation of the conveyor belt.Making the tape running smoothly, self-aligning, and simple structure, to meet the needs of the development of modern operations.That is, when the tape deviation occurs, one side of the wing roll is squeezed, the wing roll by moving the rod around the shaft of rotation on the rotation mechanism, the shaft drive Rod rotation, the final rod to promote the entire roller group is rotated at an angle, so that the tape runs smoothly,self-aligning,and simple structure,to meet the needs of
Sales service hotline:18231772656
Company address:Xianxian County, Cangzhou, Hebei province
Email address:307735585@qq.com
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Product description

Vertical roller, also known as block roller, wing roller.The vertical roller is mainly connected with the self-aligning bracket, a product used in the self-aligning roller, which is installed on both sides of the conveyor belt, to prevent the occurrence of deviation of the conveyor belt.Making the tape running smoothly, self-aligning, and simple structure, to meet the needs of the development of modern operations.That is, when the tape deviation occurs, one side of the wing roll is squeezed, the wing roll by moving the rod around the shaft of rotation on the rotation mechanism, the shaft drive Rod rotation, the final rod to promote the entire roller group is rotated at an angle, so that the tape runs smoothly,self-aligning,and simple structure,to meet the needs ofIn the process of tape conveyor operation, the flexibility of the roller is very important,if the roller flexibility is not good,when the rotational resistance coefficient is high,the entire tape conveyor system will have to pay a lot of power, consume more power, and sometimes cause tape tear, motor burned, serious time can cause a fire.Therefore, the choice of low rotational resistance coefficient (less than 0.020) of the roller is an important content of tape conveyor design, selection.

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